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14 Easy Summer Glow Up Tips For A Beautiful Summer and School Start!

Updated: Aug 12, 2023

woman swimming in the summer

Intro - 14 Summer Glow Up Tips

Having a glow up is something we all desire, especially a summer glow up as we all want to look our best for the sunny season. And now it's possible, with our 15 easy summer glow up tips. Transform yourself physically, mentally, and socially to look and feel your best for the summer season. So, let's jump into our 15 easy summer glow up tips to help you reach the best version of yourself this summer.

  1. Establish a solid sleep schedule

  2. Regularly exfoliate your skin

  3. Regularly apply sunscreen

  4. Improve your posture

  5. Try out a new hairstyle

  6. Brush your teeth regularly

  7. Drink 2 litres of water every day

  8. Exercise regularly

  9. Practise meditation daily

  10. Utilise affirmations

  11. Experiment with a new style

  12. Find a signature scent

  13. Improve your diet

  14. Use our 30-Day Self Improvement Challenge

Obviously, there are A LOT of tips. Using them all will definitely give you the best glow up experience and results, but it's also very effective if you only select a few tips from the list. It depends on what your focus is but for example, if your focus is on physical improvement then you would choose tips like exercise or improving your diet.

Only picking a few desirable tips is just as effective as doing them all if you only want to see improvement in a certain niche, but there would be no improvement in other categories if you do this, so choose wisely.

#1 Establish A Solid Sleep Schedule

woman following glow up tip of a good sleep schedule

Even though it may seem easy, simple, and uninspiring having a good sleep schedule can assist your glow up a lot more than you think, and is going to be one of the best summer glow up tips you're going to read.

See having a good sleep schedule as your foundation, because if you have a bad foundation then the work done above it is futile, but if you have a good foundation the work done above it is worthwhile.

What we mean is that a bad sleep schedule can cancel out some of the glow up tips below, but a good sleep schedule only assists your efforts through benefits of its own such as: Reduced stress, Assisting weight loss and decreasing unhealthy snack cravings.

#2 Regularly Exfoliate Your Skin

You've probably heard about this glow up tip before and for good reason. This is another essential glow-up tip for both men and women.

* if you are a man reading this and think that this is only for women then you are very wrong, it significantly increases your attractiveness and self-esteem too.

Exfoliating your skin should be an essential part of your daily routine, it is crucial to good skin health which is widely associated with glow-ups. Achieve that glowing skin look you've always wanted, and if you want a physical glow-up this summer then this is a must-have tip for you.

#3 Regularly Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreens name fools many, we all think of sunscreen as just something that you apply in very hot weather to protect yourself from the sun, which is true. But I bet you didn't know of all the amazing benefits that it comes with. For example, sunscreen:

  • Prevents premature ageing

  • Improves skin health

  • Protects your face from blue light

  • Prevents discolouration of the skin

These benefits are amazing but there are still even more benefits that come with the application of sunscreen, this summer glow up tip becomes even more potent in the summer so be sure to start using it before it gets too hot!

For the best results, experts recommend applying sunscreen every day. Apply it every day at the end of your skincare routine for the best results.

#4 Improve Your Posture

Bad posture is very noticeable and can have some disheartening side effects, the main one being judgement from others and a perceived lack of confidence. Yes, that's true. If your posture is bad then people perceive you as lacking in confidence, so for a social glow up you must utilise good posture to maximise your first impression and confidence levels.

There are a few exercises that you can use to try and better your posture: child's pose, downward facing dog, forward fold, and the list goes on.

#5 Try Out A New Hairstyle

Your hair is so important to your attractiveness, if your hair doesn't compliment your face it can significantly decrease your attractiveness this is why trying out a new hairstyle is one of our summer glow up tips.

It is quite challenging to get a good haircut though, as it must compliment your face. Use this picture below to work out your face shape, and once you've done that then search for your favourite hairstyle for that face shape.

9 different haircut tips for face shape

* face shape names are: oblong, rectangular, circular, square, triangular, heart, diamond, (this triangle is the same as square) and oval.

Or an alternative option is to just get a professional opinion, and ask your barber which hairstyle they think would work. It really depends on who you trust more, yourself or your barber, it's up to you.

#6 Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Good teeth can make a HUGE difference to your appearance, if you have bad teeth it is very hard to be attractive this summer. Recent research strongly suggests that white teeth make you appear more attractive as it is a sign of good health and youth. This is one of the best summer glow up tips for improving your appearance and all just for the sake of 4ish minutes every day.

#7 Drink 2 Litres of Water A Day

man following summer glow up tips and drinking water

Being hydrated is crucial for improving and maintaining every aspect of your glow up, as its benefits range from good skin health and improved jawline all the way to improved mood and energy.

So, if you want a quick and easy way to improve yourself in all areas then simply drinking more water can be a great way to do that.

#8 Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly much like water affects all areas of your glow up, making it one of the most potent summer glow up tips that we can offer.

Exercising regularly obviously improves your physical appearance, by increasing muscle mass or decreasing fat levels throughout the body which is widely associated with a summer glow up. But exercising regualrly also has many benefits for a mental glow up such as improved self-esteem, reduced anxiety and improved mood.

All of these benefits make exercising regularly a crucial tip which you must utilise if you want to have a successful glow up for the summer.

#9 Reduce Face Fat

Reducing your face fat can turn you into a completely different person, it can increase your attractiveness tenfold.

I'm not going to get into explaining how because our most recent article is on this topic exactly, so click here to learn how to reduce your face fat for the summer.#9 Practise Meditation Daily

This is a personal favourite for me and I can tell you that meditation is truly amazing, I wanted some summer glow up tips last year and this was the most impressive one.

It eliminated almost all of my emotional worries such as stress and anxiety. So, I would definitely recommend this as a great glow up tip if you want to work on your mental and emotional health.

#10 Utilise Affirmations

This is also another tip which I can personally recommend, affirmations are amazing. You can improve any emotional ability you wish. Such as confidence, gratitude and self-esteem the list goes on.

There are 2 different ways that you can use affirmations, consciously and subconsciously. It is up to you which you prefer.

Conscious affirmations are when you look at yourself in the mirror and repeat affirmations such as 'I am confident' or 'I am grateful'. They're good if you have some spare time in your morning routine, take as long as you can on them because obviously, the longer you spend on them, the better the effect.

Subconscious affirmations are when you play a recording as you sleep repeating affirmations after affirmations. This works because, during your REM cycle, it penetrates your subconscious mind meaning that it thinks 'I am confident' when you wake up.

Great recordings are available for free on youtube and if you want to repeat a video click the settings button on the video in the top right corner, then on 'loop video'.

#11 Experiment With a New Style

We are now moving on to the more drastic changes, the first of these being 'experiment with a new style'.

Nowadays it is so easy to find style inspiration on platforms like Pinterest and TikTok, so have a look! Browse different summer styles and look for ones that you like. Having a style that you love and suits you is great for both your self-esteem and attractiveness. Experiment this summer, and find a style that you love.

#12 Find A Signature Scent

perfume to show signature scent tip

Smell plays a huge part in attraction. This is such a key summer glow up tip because in the summer smells are heightened as the heat increases meaning that smelling nice should be another massive priority.

You may think smelling nice takes a big budget though, while it can you can also find great perfumes for cheap. Take a trip to a perfume shop this summer and browse. Smelling nice is worth the price!

#13 Improve Your Diet

Improving your diet is an obvious one and should have been earlier in this list, but it is key to a summer glow up. Your diet is another one of these things that affects everything, both your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Improving your diet can be hard, but it won't be for you. We have made countless free glow up resources for you to use on improving your diet.

#14 Use Our 30-Day Self Improvement Challenge

Finally, our last tip is to use our 30-day self improvement challenge. Now, I will say that our self improvement challenge is not a glow up challenge, but it has some very useful stuff in it.

Improve your emotional, physical, and mental health in our challenge with a variety of different tips and challenges, such as reading self-improvement books, exercising and improving your diet.

It will just give structure to your glow up, keep you on track, and it will only take your 30 days, why not give it a go? Download our 30-day self improvement challenge for free!

15 Summer Glow Up Tips - Conclusion

There are many different summer glow up tips, the difficultly isn't in executing the tips. It's in choosing them, take your time because a wrong choice can be annoying, and could cost you excess effort.

Our final tip would be to enjoy the process, the result of your glow up is deemed as the fun part, but the process is fun too. Watching yourself progress and improve is magical, record it with progress pictures or a journal to look back on your glow up and how effective it was. This can also serve as a confidence booster as you see your full potential and how far you've come.

Thanks for reading and we hope these tips helped. Have a great summer!

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