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How to Reduce Face Fat: 9 Ways To Reduce Face Fat FAST

Updated: Jun 3, 2023


Whether it's our stomach, thighs, or face we've all wished we could reduce a bit of fat before, and that's completely normal! You've already got further than most people by actually acting on your thoughts and actively searching for ways to reduce face fat and other fats. These 9 tips can be used for fat reduction all over your body, but they are specialized for your reducing face fat.

If you can start to execute these 9 ways to reduce face fat regularly, then in as little time as a week you will begin to see the impacts. If you want more of a confidence boost from your reduced face fat then I would highly suggest taking 'progress pictures' as it shows how far you've come.

So, here are 9 ways how to reduce face fat fast, (+ some other simple ways to reduce overall fat levels)

1 - Reduce Face Fat With Facial Exercises

Facial exercises are workouts for your face muscles and skin. They have many other benefits than just reducing face fat, such as combating aging and improving muscle strength. Making them a must-do for reducing face fat and also for improving your facial appearance.

There are 2 essential facial exercises that you need to know about in order to receive these benefits and they are: The 'Open-Wide' method and the 'Fish Face' method.

*you don't need to do both, try one and stick to it.

The 'Open-Wide' method consists of you stretching open your mouth for 5 seconds and then relaxing, repeat 20x every day for the best results.

* Credit - wikiHow

The 'Fish Face' method involves you making a fish face by sucking in your cheeks, holding for 10 seconds, and then releasing. Repeat 20 times a day for good results.

Research on the effectiveness of facial exercises is very new and slightly lacking but although it is lacking all of the surveys and experiments that have been conducted have come back positive. You'll just have to give it a go and try it out for yourself.

2 - Do Fat Reducing Cardio

Face fat is normally the result of excess body fat, so losing that excess body fat should be your No.1 priority. But how do you lose that fat? Healthy eating and exercise.

Healthy man reducing fat by doing cardio.

We talk about healthy eating later in the article so for now, let's focus on exercise. Cardio is any type of exercise that increases your heart rate and it is widely perceived as the most effective method of weight loss, so if you want to burn fat fast cardio is the thing to do.

The amount and type of cardio which you want to do is entirely your opinion but we will give you a rough time recommendation and some exercise ideas below:

  • Research suggests that around 20 - 45mins of cardio a day is a suitable amount (but remember to incorporate 1-2 rest days into your routine a week)

  • Popular cardio ideas: Walking, running, swimming, cycling, and dancing.

So, before narrowing down on losing your face fat. First, work on reducing the overall fat level throughout your body.

3 - Drink More Water

Glass of water

As you've probably been told multiple times throughout your life drinking water is crucial for your overall health. But little did you know it is also crucial for weight loss and in reducing face fat.

Drinking water helps significantly with weight loss as it makes you feel much more full, thus decreasing urges for excess, unhealthy snacking. New research also shows that water temporarily boosts metabolism which allows you to burn calories much more quickly.

Drinking water also reduces face fat and puffiness in the short-term by flushing the face of all toxins and salts, this is explained further below but basically, salts puff-up your face and water helps to flush them away.

4 - Decrease Salt Intake

A trademark symptom of too much salt consumption is puffiness and swelling of the face, which is not technically face fat but if you want your face to look healthier and more attractive then you should also be aware of this.

Effective ways of reducing salt intake are fairly obvious but nevertheless, you should reduce the amount of table salts that you apply to your foods and limit your intake of processed food such as processed meat or savory snacks (crisps/chips).

So reducing your salt intake may not reduce face fat, but will definitely make your face appear slimmer.

5 - Manage Stress Levels

Even though stress levels may not directly affect your face fat, an increase in stress is proven to cause an increase in appetite and cravings, it also makes it more challenging to stay active.

In order to lose fat you must maintain a healthy diet and do cardio, and excess stress levels just make this harder. If you struggle with your stress levels and want more help on this subject then read our article on, '7 Ways To Stop Worrying About The Future'

6 - Chew Gum

3 pieces of gum in a hand.

Chewing gum is again not directly related to reducing face fat, but instead builds up your jaw muscles, which vastly improves your jawline. Which obviously makes your face seem more attractive.

To back up that point, there is also now new research that suggests that chewing gum also increases bone marrow density in your face, which supposedly gives you a more square jaw line.

Chewing gum takes little to no effort, and although it can come at a very small price the benefits outvalue it 10x, it betters your jawline and also comes with the added benefits of nice-smelling breath.

7 - Improve Overall Diet

Getting yourself on a healthy diet will accelerate fat loss significantly as digesting processed foods and excess carbohydrates builds up fat stores throughout your body. An unhealthy diet also cancels out all of that exercise that you will be doing. They both need each other to work properly, so improving your diet is a big priority.

Healthy foods that help to reduce face fat.

It is also very easy to start implementing a healthy diet into your lifestyle, for example, you could swap white carbs (white bread) for brown carbs (brown bread), but there are many different things you could do to improve your overall diet.

If you want some quick recommendations or even our pre-planned healthy meal plan then click here to access it for free!

8 - Build Muscle Mass Elsewhere

Even once you've lost all of your face fat you will be left with an excess amount of skin on your face, which can cause the illusion of a fat face. So it would be wise to start getting rid of this early, and this is done by building up muscle mass elsewhere.

Building up muscle mass in other parts of your body forces your skin to stretch out further to cover your larger muscles, which results in a decrease in the skin located on your face.

This is effective but takes time, the next tip on face massages is also a good and more short-term solution for reducing excess skin on your face.

9 - Give Yourself A Face Massage

Even though giving yourself a face massage may sound slightly odd, it has a list of benefits that negate its weird connotations.

Woman getting a face massage.

As already mentioned it is closely related to building muscle mass as it works on reducing your loose skin and it achieves this by increasing blood circulation to your facial tissues which results in tighter and youthful-looking skin.

Giving your face a massage also helps to reduce swelling and puffiness in the face, much like the benefits of drinking water, by stimulating 'lymphatic draining' which moves toxins out of your cells.


There are many different takes on how to reduce face fat and whichever combinations you end up choosing are entirely up to you and your personal preference.

But hopefully, you've learned from this article that reducing face fat itself needs an effort from your whole body and that if you really want to reduce face fat you need to reduce the fat levels all across your body.

Losing fat is hard and tedious and may take longer than you first expected, but if you are consistent and keep working on it day-by-day then over time you will start to see a skinnier you in the mirror, and remember if you want some extra motivation and a confidence boost then take progress pictures along the way (it makes it a lot easier to see how far you've come).

Thanks for reading, I hope it all goes well, and have a lovely day!

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